27th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications

Session 3a: Exploiting FPGAs for deep learning

Track: Paper track

Session chair: Deming Chen

    Full Papers
    • 11:30: Customised Pearlmutter Propagation: A Hardware Architecture for Trust Region Policy Optimisation // Shengjia Shao and Wayne Luk; Imperial College London
    • 11:55: Scalable Inference of Decision Tree Ensembles: Flexible Design for CPU-FPGA Platforms // Muhsen Owaida, Hantian Zhang, Ce Zhang and Gustavo Alonso; ETH Zurich
    Poster Papers
    • 12:20: Parallel Dot-Products for Deep Learning on FPGA // Mário Véstias, Rui Duarte, Horácio Neto and José Sousa; INESC-ID/ISEL/IPL
    • 12:25: Leveraging PVT-Margins in Design Space Exploration for FPGA-based CNN Accelerators // Weina Lu, Wenyan Lu, Jing Ye, Yu Hu and Xiaowei Li; Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    • Refter @ Het Pand
    • Tue, Sept. 5
    • 11:30 - 12:30